I also have had a strong desire to cut most of my hair off. I dont want to seem like a mom who gave up and is like "I don't have time for hair". I hope it will still be cute. It's just that my hair is so damaged from perm, bleach, and dying several times. Then I also have this frock of bangs that's growing out and looks terrible and shapeless. I don't know if they're long enough to be blended into my hair yet, but a short cut would make it more fluid...perhaps. I need to go to someone who can make me feel at ease about it and will say, yes, this is exactly what we're going to do. Blah blah.
I feel like the time between doctor visits is so long. 2 more weeks until my next visit and I'm not scheduled for an ultra sound then either. I just want to see it's little face!! And I want to know whether it's a boy or girl. I think both of those will help me feel more connected to it as a person rather than just a little mini thing growing inside me. It's not big enough to feel my hand when I rub my tummy, unless it's hanging out right up against the side for some reason. I has reflexes, so if I poked it somehow, it would react. But it's still only the size of a lemon, so it would probably be difficult to find. Especially since it seems to be very quick. Zoom! It goes across my uterus.
It's time to go to work and hopefully not lift heavy totes.

If you want to cut your hair now is the perfect time ever! When your pregnant your hair grows 2-3 times faster then normal because of all the hormones and prenatal vitamins your taking. So go for it! If you don't like it it will be long in not time at all.