I'm sure of it! It wouldn't take much. I would sleep on the sales floor if I was allowed. My baby is about to double in size, so it's major growth spurt time, which means major tired time. I took a 3 hour nap yesterday!
I've located one out of 2 running shoes. I cant work out with 1. Where is the other? I can't find Danny's either. I don't know how I would possibly have energy for the gym after an 8 hour shift where I'm already super tired. I can do yoga barefoot. I'll have to be more disciplined with committing to the time for practice. I don't feel like a fatty, but I wish I was building some muscle. My tummy is retry noticeable now. It's funny how strangers smile at you when you're pregnant.
Ugh! And I have a new found addiction to Sprite!! What's wrong with me! There are preservatives and tons of sugar. And I like can't get enough! Ew!
I finally ordered our wedding photo book last week and it arrived today. :) I was waiting for a good sale and enough money in our bank account to order it. I added stuff along the way. It's taken 9 months, and after I ordered it, I still realized more that I could have out in there. I like it and it only had one typo. It was a late addition, so it didn't get checked 1000 times. The back cover says "Gensis 2:24-25". Whoops! I guess that's the country accent version of Genesis? Oh well! I had to finish the wedding book so that I could make a baby book eventually!
I am currently trying to catch up on all the handmade scrap books I make. I started them back in 2007 as a gift to Danny. I made him a scrapbook of us from when we first started hanging out and dating (without being a couple, because I was not interested in him being my boyfriend) in the fall of 2006. So I've made one for every year of our relationship, but I've gotten behind. Partially because printing a ton of pictures gets expensive! But I've been trying to play major catch up lately because I want them all finished before the baby comes. I also want to put together a wedding one with the unprofessional pictures and the programs and other memory things.
Im going to go work on them while I watch the Bachelorette. :) guilty pleasure, and I love it.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
4 months!
I'm officially 16 weeks today. I had my monthly OB visit down in ol' Annapolis. It was a painless visit, literally. No lubey, cold metal exam. Phew! We just went over my blood work- I'm not anemic. So my tiredness is not a lack of iron, it's just pregnancy tired. That's good.
My blood pressure is 100/58 and I'm 153 pounds. I thought I was more, so I was scared that I lost a lot of weight, but I was 154 last month, apparently. It still feels like a big number, compared to what I usually am.
We heard the heartbeat again on ye fetal Doppler. It was at 152 bpm. A little slower than last month, cuz it's a lot bigger. It's still so fast cuz it's only the size of an avocado and it's in super growth stage.
We're excited to be able to see what the sex is in 3 weeks! We have to make a separate appointment at a Sonography lab or something. It's creepy that they all have "radiology" and "medical imaging" in their name. I don't want all those waves hitting my body and baby all the time, so it's a good thing that we don't get to see the baby every month.
They asked me for like the 4th time about all the testing that I already denied and signed a piece of paper in a million places saying I was denying all of it. I think she could tell I was annoyed, cuz she said I need to sign it, so that they don't keep pestering me about it. And then she realized I already had. I'm sick of talking about it and being asked about it. I shouldn't be made to feel guilty about denying invasive tests with faulty results that just cause more testing. I am not going to do anything differently anyway....so...
I wish there was a midwifery center in Howard county. I need to figure all this out. I have another appointment at the OBGYN next month, but I didn't schedule one for August. By then, I'll be 6 months, and would like to just go to a midwife after that.
I was weirded out that I haven't had to pay anything yet, so I asked today. She said my insurance covered me 100%,, so that I didn't owe anything. Hooray!! So exciting. :)
Danny and I got some fresh lemonade and ginger soda at Level downtown after the appointment. We also snacked on some fresh pickled vegetables and mushroom soup. Now we're stuck in rush hour. Whoops. Should have just stayed longer. But we didn't want to pay for more dinner there, so we left. My poor baby is being bored by a not so interesting story on NPR. ;)
I work mornings for the next 2 days, and then we're spending a day at the beach on Sunday! :)
~16 weeks~
My blood pressure is 100/58 and I'm 153 pounds. I thought I was more, so I was scared that I lost a lot of weight, but I was 154 last month, apparently. It still feels like a big number, compared to what I usually am.
We heard the heartbeat again on ye fetal Doppler. It was at 152 bpm. A little slower than last month, cuz it's a lot bigger. It's still so fast cuz it's only the size of an avocado and it's in super growth stage.
We're excited to be able to see what the sex is in 3 weeks! We have to make a separate appointment at a Sonography lab or something. It's creepy that they all have "radiology" and "medical imaging" in their name. I don't want all those waves hitting my body and baby all the time, so it's a good thing that we don't get to see the baby every month.
They asked me for like the 4th time about all the testing that I already denied and signed a piece of paper in a million places saying I was denying all of it. I think she could tell I was annoyed, cuz she said I need to sign it, so that they don't keep pestering me about it. And then she realized I already had. I'm sick of talking about it and being asked about it. I shouldn't be made to feel guilty about denying invasive tests with faulty results that just cause more testing. I am not going to do anything differently anyway....so...
I wish there was a midwifery center in Howard county. I need to figure all this out. I have another appointment at the OBGYN next month, but I didn't schedule one for August. By then, I'll be 6 months, and would like to just go to a midwife after that.

Danny and I got some fresh lemonade and ginger soda at Level downtown after the appointment. We also snacked on some fresh pickled vegetables and mushroom soup. Now we're stuck in rush hour. Whoops. Should have just stayed longer. But we didn't want to pay for more dinner there, so we left. My poor baby is being bored by a not so interesting story on NPR. ;)
I work mornings for the next 2 days, and then we're spending a day at the beach on Sunday! :)
~16 weeks~
Monday, June 11, 2012
Mini post
My belly can't make up it's mind. It's a different size and shape every day. Turn into a watermelon, belly! Shazam!
Let's give a little background. I've been into natural health for several years now. I went vegan originally in 2008, and have done that back and forth, always trying to find the healthiest balance. I work at Whole Foods in the Whole Body section, which is herbal supplements, natural vitamins, homeopathic remedies- both topical and internal, and natural body care.(we also have reference books, books on an Eco friendly lifestyle, cook books, local artist jewelry, etc). So, I've been studying natural remedies for a long time. I've never been a fan of medicine. My mom always took us to doctors that didn't use antibiotics as a default when we were growing up. I don't even take ibuprofen or Tylenol. I avoid antibiotics like the plague, and I always seek the natural option first. I've known for years that I wanted to give birth naturally. Thankfully, I have a few friends, and I have coworkers that have the same mind set. One of the girls I work with delivered with a midwife in a birthing center and said it was the most amazing experience of her life. Another girl is in nursing classes in order to become a midwife, and several others have studied about I and are very much into the woman being in control of her body, rather than doctors telling you what to do. It's a good environment to be in when I have questions. They have given me literature to read, etc.
Pregnancy is viewed as such a scary thing for a woman. We dont know anything about it! Most of us weren't raised in a hippie commune, or a close community of family, where all the women around you have gone through natural child birth, along with their mothers, grandmothers, etc. women have been giving birth for centuries, so it's funny that we view it as such an unnatural and terrifying experience. But how are we supposed to feel when there is a lack of ready information, and a lack of experienced women who did it the old fashioned way?
We are lead to believe that doctors are gods on earth and we are helpless, ignorant, unqualified patients. Most doctors guide you to the decision that is best for them and their schedule, not what is best for you and the baby. Knowing all this already made me scared to have a hospital birth with a team of physicians and nurses who don't study anything natural, who scoff at herbal remedies, and who only took a measly semester of basic nutrition in med school. They also push unnecessary testing on you. They're very persistent! I was really mad when they kept asking me the same questions about tests I had signed "no" to. They acted as if I was being stupid and would change my mind later.
I already knew I wanted a natural birth- no medical intervention, no rush, no drugs, no inducing labor, and I wanted to be able to move around. I have really liked the idea of a water birth for several years. Water is so soothing, it helps with the stress on your body, and it's an easy transition for the baby to go from amniotic fluid to water. Plus, I think it's beautiful.
But being pregnant is foreign to me, and it's scary sometimes. What if something went wrong? Good midwives still have plenty of medical training. And a lot of centers are super close to, or in the same complex as a hospital, so if something looked funny, you could still easily make a transfer in time. So, I have been to both a midwifery and a regular OBGYN so far. Because I'm young and scared, part of me is like- just go to the doctor! But then, the other part is more trusting in my body and in God's design and would rather go to the midwife. It's a difficult decision when I feel still uninformed.
Last night, I watched The Business of Being Born, which is produced by Ricki Lake. She had her first baby in a hospital and felt kind of robbed of the natural experience. She had her second child at home with a midwife. It was reassuring for me in my beliefs I'm glad I watched it. I feel like I need to go interview a bunch of different midwives and birthing centers before I make an appointment there. I can't have a home birth, because we don't have a home. I wish we were in new york, so that I could use the awesome woman in the movie. :)
I have a lot of work to do...
~15 weeks, 4 days~
Pregnancy is viewed as such a scary thing for a woman. We dont know anything about it! Most of us weren't raised in a hippie commune, or a close community of family, where all the women around you have gone through natural child birth, along with their mothers, grandmothers, etc. women have been giving birth for centuries, so it's funny that we view it as such an unnatural and terrifying experience. But how are we supposed to feel when there is a lack of ready information, and a lack of experienced women who did it the old fashioned way?
We are lead to believe that doctors are gods on earth and we are helpless, ignorant, unqualified patients. Most doctors guide you to the decision that is best for them and their schedule, not what is best for you and the baby. Knowing all this already made me scared to have a hospital birth with a team of physicians and nurses who don't study anything natural, who scoff at herbal remedies, and who only took a measly semester of basic nutrition in med school. They also push unnecessary testing on you. They're very persistent! I was really mad when they kept asking me the same questions about tests I had signed "no" to. They acted as if I was being stupid and would change my mind later.
I already knew I wanted a natural birth- no medical intervention, no rush, no drugs, no inducing labor, and I wanted to be able to move around. I have really liked the idea of a water birth for several years. Water is so soothing, it helps with the stress on your body, and it's an easy transition for the baby to go from amniotic fluid to water. Plus, I think it's beautiful.
But being pregnant is foreign to me, and it's scary sometimes. What if something went wrong? Good midwives still have plenty of medical training. And a lot of centers are super close to, or in the same complex as a hospital, so if something looked funny, you could still easily make a transfer in time. So, I have been to both a midwifery and a regular OBGYN so far. Because I'm young and scared, part of me is like- just go to the doctor! But then, the other part is more trusting in my body and in God's design and would rather go to the midwife. It's a difficult decision when I feel still uninformed.

I have a lot of work to do...
~15 weeks, 4 days~
Sunday, June 10, 2012
where are my running shoes?
i still haven't been to the gym, because i can't find my running shoes. all of my gym shorts are way too tight even though they are elastic waist bands, so there's another thing to buy (sigh). i had a head ache all day today and yesterday. i'm not sure what caused it yesterday- the heat? eating too much salty chinese food the night before? yeeks. it would be wise to stay away from MSG. i'm literally being the worst with food. in my standards, at least. i make sure to still eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. the baby is stealing all my fiber, so it's been difficult to have the same kind of movement experiences as i used to, if you catch my drift ;) i long for a log.
ANYWAY...i finally have a tankini that i don't feel like a whale in, and i'm excited to sit on the deck in my baby pool tomorrow before work at 2:30. and my friend Jen and i have planned a day beach trip for next sunday. hooray! i need the beach so badly. i asked my boss if i could work 32-36 hours every other week and still work 38 the other week. i think that will help. i didn't want to go down all the time, since i need the money, but i'm just plain worn out working 40 hours every week. it will feel much nicer to work a little bit less.
i feel as though the whole world knows more about babies than I do. i need to read some books and watch some movies. i plan to watch the documentary, "the business of being born" tonight. i'd rather watch a different movie- but i probably should do that. a coworker let me borrow a natural pregnancy book, and i have "the essential first year", but it hasn't proven very helpful yet. i also need to watch "growing green babies", which i bought weeks ago, and is sitting on a shelf at the Jauregui house. i also need to sit down and have classes or something with my friend Justine, who has been a nanny for years, and who LOVES babies.
danny and i are trying to figure out where to go after we pay off some more debt by August. he feels like we've exhausted the apartments in Maryland. we looked at at least a million in Anne Arundel and Baltimore County. we pretty much ruled out a lot in Howard County, but we need to look again. it's just frustrating to throw away money on rent. it doesn't get you anywhere. the idea of buying a tiny little house somewhere might not be so far-fetched. i'm not sure which county would be affordable. i'm sure we could afford southern maryland, but that's just so far away. it's close to a lot of good jobs- because the Navy bases are right there, etc. they need a health food store, and better restaurants- so maybe that's something i could do- if i go to culinary school. i just took some pictures of Justine's wedding yesterday, and they liked them a lot. her mom suggested i be a wedding photographer. there are a lot of brides in Southern Maryland- and the rest of Maryland. i need a job where i can either work for myself, or have flexible hours, but still good pay. something artistic is definitely up my alley anyway, and a lot of that, i could do by myself. hmm...i'm going to have to get creative with this whole making money thing soon, because i can't work retail full time with a baby.
i'm encouraged by the fact that we've paid off $10,000 of debt this year so far. by August, the total will be about $15,000. that's awesome. it makes being little homeless nomads for 6 months worth it. Thank you, families, for letting us invade your space and live in your houses!!! it would be completely awesome if we could afford a tiny little house by the fall. AWESOME. i know danny wants to be able to have a home very badly. we both are frustrated with how expensive apartments are, and you're not getting anything out of them.
i need to pay more attention to my grammar in these blog posts....
my doctor's appointment is on June 14th, and I am not going to see the baby, AGAIN. :( maybe if i beg...or cry... my belly is crooked some days, and very triangular. i think it's gross, but funny. i'm looking forward to it rounding out and making up its mind. the baby really is a mover. i hope i'm nourishing it well!
this concludes the longest, and worst put together post.
the baby is the size of a naval orange.
~15 weeks, 3 days~
ANYWAY...i finally have a tankini that i don't feel like a whale in, and i'm excited to sit on the deck in my baby pool tomorrow before work at 2:30. and my friend Jen and i have planned a day beach trip for next sunday. hooray! i need the beach so badly. i asked my boss if i could work 32-36 hours every other week and still work 38 the other week. i think that will help. i didn't want to go down all the time, since i need the money, but i'm just plain worn out working 40 hours every week. it will feel much nicer to work a little bit less.

danny and i are trying to figure out where to go after we pay off some more debt by August. he feels like we've exhausted the apartments in Maryland. we looked at at least a million in Anne Arundel and Baltimore County. we pretty much ruled out a lot in Howard County, but we need to look again. it's just frustrating to throw away money on rent. it doesn't get you anywhere. the idea of buying a tiny little house somewhere might not be so far-fetched. i'm not sure which county would be affordable. i'm sure we could afford southern maryland, but that's just so far away. it's close to a lot of good jobs- because the Navy bases are right there, etc. they need a health food store, and better restaurants- so maybe that's something i could do- if i go to culinary school. i just took some pictures of Justine's wedding yesterday, and they liked them a lot. her mom suggested i be a wedding photographer. there are a lot of brides in Southern Maryland- and the rest of Maryland. i need a job where i can either work for myself, or have flexible hours, but still good pay. something artistic is definitely up my alley anyway, and a lot of that, i could do by myself. hmm...i'm going to have to get creative with this whole making money thing soon, because i can't work retail full time with a baby.
i'm encouraged by the fact that we've paid off $10,000 of debt this year so far. by August, the total will be about $15,000. that's awesome. it makes being little homeless nomads for 6 months worth it. Thank you, families, for letting us invade your space and live in your houses!!! it would be completely awesome if we could afford a tiny little house by the fall. AWESOME. i know danny wants to be able to have a home very badly. we both are frustrated with how expensive apartments are, and you're not getting anything out of them.
i need to pay more attention to my grammar in these blog posts....
my doctor's appointment is on June 14th, and I am not going to see the baby, AGAIN. :( maybe if i beg...or cry... my belly is crooked some days, and very triangular. i think it's gross, but funny. i'm looking forward to it rounding out and making up its mind. the baby really is a mover. i hope i'm nourishing it well!
this concludes the longest, and worst put together post.
the baby is the size of a naval orange.
~15 weeks, 3 days~
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Haircuts and Big Butts
I did it! I chopped my hair! Over a foot was taken off. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I think it's cute, but it's really short. Hopefully, it will be all healthy again and I can grow it out again back to where it was in my high school days- before I experimented with stupid box dye and home hair cuts and perms and high lights etc. I doubt I'll leave it alone, but here's hoping!
With this cut, I'm noticing my untoned body more. I feel like I need to be super hip and in shape. I can't diet due to the whole, growing a healthy baby thing, but i can exercise! Danny and I have been throwing around the softball in my parents back yard. It's a start! It actually made me a little sore in my arms and abs. Whole foods has this Green Trek thing going on right now to try and make their team members healthier, so they've teamed up with 24 hour fitness upstairs and we have a month of free gym. I gotta remember to bring my shoes and clothes so I can go before or after work. I guess I'll stick to the elliptical and stationary bike, the pool, and classes. I'm excited. I hope I actually take advantage! It'd be nice to have a real working bike, so I could play more outside in this beautiful weather. I was way out of shape for running before I got pregnant, so I don't really feel comfortable doing that.
I have 30 minutes to kill before work, and I wish I had my workout stuff with me. I guess I'll just sit in the sunshine instead. :)
~14 weeks 5 days~
With this cut, I'm noticing my untoned body more. I feel like I need to be super hip and in shape. I can't diet due to the whole, growing a healthy baby thing, but i can exercise! Danny and I have been throwing around the softball in my parents back yard. It's a start! It actually made me a little sore in my arms and abs. Whole foods has this Green Trek thing going on right now to try and make their team members healthier, so they've teamed up with 24 hour fitness upstairs and we have a month of free gym. I gotta remember to bring my shoes and clothes so I can go before or after work. I guess I'll stick to the elliptical and stationary bike, the pool, and classes. I'm excited. I hope I actually take advantage! It'd be nice to have a real working bike, so I could play more outside in this beautiful weather. I was way out of shape for running before I got pregnant, so I don't really feel comfortable doing that.
I have 30 minutes to kill before work, and I wish I had my workout stuff with me. I guess I'll just sit in the sunshine instead. :)
~14 weeks 5 days~
Monday, June 4, 2012
I've had a first trimester relapse today. By that, I just mean I feel like crap. My stomach and intestines are uncomfortable, and I have a headache, a sore throat, and I don't feel very much like being friendly to customers. I'm trying to drink a lot of water, because I know I have not been having enough lately...still. Maybe that's what's going on.
~14 weeks 4 days~
~14 weeks 4 days~
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