ANYWAY...i finally have a tankini that i don't feel like a whale in, and i'm excited to sit on the deck in my baby pool tomorrow before work at 2:30. and my friend Jen and i have planned a day beach trip for next sunday. hooray! i need the beach so badly. i asked my boss if i could work 32-36 hours every other week and still work 38 the other week. i think that will help. i didn't want to go down all the time, since i need the money, but i'm just plain worn out working 40 hours every week. it will feel much nicer to work a little bit less.

danny and i are trying to figure out where to go after we pay off some more debt by August. he feels like we've exhausted the apartments in Maryland. we looked at at least a million in Anne Arundel and Baltimore County. we pretty much ruled out a lot in Howard County, but we need to look again. it's just frustrating to throw away money on rent. it doesn't get you anywhere. the idea of buying a tiny little house somewhere might not be so far-fetched. i'm not sure which county would be affordable. i'm sure we could afford southern maryland, but that's just so far away. it's close to a lot of good jobs- because the Navy bases are right there, etc. they need a health food store, and better restaurants- so maybe that's something i could do- if i go to culinary school. i just took some pictures of Justine's wedding yesterday, and they liked them a lot. her mom suggested i be a wedding photographer. there are a lot of brides in Southern Maryland- and the rest of Maryland. i need a job where i can either work for myself, or have flexible hours, but still good pay. something artistic is definitely up my alley anyway, and a lot of that, i could do by myself. hmm...i'm going to have to get creative with this whole making money thing soon, because i can't work retail full time with a baby.
i'm encouraged by the fact that we've paid off $10,000 of debt this year so far. by August, the total will be about $15,000. that's awesome. it makes being little homeless nomads for 6 months worth it. Thank you, families, for letting us invade your space and live in your houses!!! it would be completely awesome if we could afford a tiny little house by the fall. AWESOME. i know danny wants to be able to have a home very badly. we both are frustrated with how expensive apartments are, and you're not getting anything out of them.
i need to pay more attention to my grammar in these blog posts....
my doctor's appointment is on June 14th, and I am not going to see the baby, AGAIN. :( maybe if i beg...or cry... my belly is crooked some days, and very triangular. i think it's gross, but funny. i'm looking forward to it rounding out and making up its mind. the baby really is a mover. i hope i'm nourishing it well!
this concludes the longest, and worst put together post.
the baby is the size of a naval orange.
~15 weeks, 3 days~
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