I did it! I chopped my hair! Over a foot was taken off. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I think it's cute, but it's really short. Hopefully, it will be all healthy again and I can grow it out again back to where it was in my high school days- before I experimented with stupid box dye and home hair cuts and perms and high lights etc. I doubt I'll leave it alone, but here's hoping!
With this cut, I'm noticing my untoned body more. I feel like I need to be super hip and in shape. I can't diet due to the whole, growing a healthy baby thing, but i can exercise! Danny and I have been throwing around the softball in my parents back yard. It's a start! It actually made me a little sore in my arms and abs. Whole foods has this Green Trek thing going on right now to try and make their team members healthier, so they've teamed up with 24 hour fitness upstairs and we have a month of free gym. I gotta remember to bring my shoes and clothes so I can go before or after work. I guess I'll stick to the elliptical and stationary bike, the pool, and classes. I'm excited. I hope I actually take advantage! It'd be nice to have a real working bike, so I could play more outside in this beautiful weather. I was way out of shape for running before I got pregnant, so I don't really feel comfortable doing that.
I have 30 minutes to kill before work, and I wish I had my workout stuff with me. I guess I'll just sit in the sunshine instead. :)
~14 weeks 5 days~
Well I guess that is what I get for reading them in order! Lol