Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Banana baby

Oh my, it's been a while since I've posted! Where to begin?

I'm halfway done with my pregnancy! That's hard to believe. It feels more real because I FEEL pregnant. For one thing, I look it. The bump looks less like I party with 40's too hard, and more like a baby bump. It's even almost obvious through my apron at work.

I'm starting to feel movement, although it doesn't feel like kicks. The kicks usually feel like I have to fart, and it's annoying when that symptom isn't relieved. This little girl or guy sure is a fast mover. Speaking of lovely things like flatulence, my constipation had pretty much been healed due in part to some homeopathic medicine specifically for constipation during pregnancy. It really works! I've always been more of an herb girl, and kind of skeptical about homeopathics, but now I'm singing a different tune.

I just started taking some arnica now that I'm a believer. Internal combined with topical is supposed to be more effective, and I've been slathering Traumeel on my back when I remember. I've had trouble with my back for years, and I've just gotten used to being in pain all the time, but I decided to try to start fixing it before I deliver, because being aligned and unafraid of throwing my back out seemed like a good idea. I went to a new chiropractor, who was recommended by a coworker patient. Her friend went there originally because her babies were breached, and Dr. Tania Howard moved them so that she could deliver vaginally after a c-section. They have tables that accommodate your bump and they are all natural. My thermal scan and other scan were surprisingly bad! It makes sense why I hurt so much! I have tons of nerve compression, muscle tension, and disc turning. Thankfully, my scoliosis is muscular, not spinal, so it can be fixed. Hooray! 23/24 is a great age to be fixing and being pregnant makes your body kind of like Gumby, so it's a great time to do pt. I'm going 2x a week for at least 12 weeks. I love it there! The place is called Broadneck Family Chiropractic. I'm starting pregnancy yoga a couple times a week at Charm City Yoga to help with recovery as well. And I'm signing up for Yoga Birth with Danny. It starts in September. I need to be looking at Bradley Method classes as well!

I'm officially switching back to the Midwifery center. I have to get the doctor to send over all of my tests and information, which I'm afraid will be somewhat of a hassle. My next ultrasound is tomorrow, because they missed some things, or rather didn't get clear pictures. It's probably because I was a little short of 18 weeks. Now I'll be about 21 and hopefully everything will be clear- including the sex! I'm not getting my hopes up, but we probably will know by this week! My next appointment with the midwives is on Friday. I only have a couple weeks to decide if I want to give birth in the birthing center, or the hospital, because there is a lot of paperwork. I'm not sure what to do. Some people have been scaring me into a hospital birth. I trust my body, but there are still questions. If something went wrong, and it was time sensitive, and they couldn't deal with it in the center, I would never forgive myself. I also can't think like that! But at least I'll be with the midwives, even if I deliver in the hospital. Anne arundel medical center is nice, i hear I want to take a tour! Hopefully I can do that soon.

We will be taking a tour of the apartment we want on Wednesday. Still trying to decide between the 1 bedroom and the 2 bedroom. We'll be there at least till the baby is 10 months old. It's only like a $200 difference. We're on a waiting list right now, but hopefully we'll move in at the end of August, or early September. We'll be in Myrtle Beach for 2 weeks starting August 3rd, and only Danny has 2 weeks of PTO. Therefore, we'll be a little low on cash, so money wise, later is better. Sanity and stress wise, the sooner the better. I want to settle and be able to afford paint and decorations for the "nursery". A shorter commute to work is highly welcome, too. 18 minutes rather than 50 will be very nice.

I took this career test through towson again. I've done it a couple times now, because it's interesting to compare results after I figure more about my work preferences, values, etc. Last time I took it, I had more options, which was confusing...too many choices. I've worked at Whole Foods for a year now, and I've been out of college for over 2. I've been able to streamline what I want out of a job. Having a baby on the way changes some of the answers, too. So this time, hallelujah, I only had ONE category as my results. Applied Arts. Makes sense! Performing arts was out as a career because I wouldn't make enough money for all the work I was doing and all the time spent away from my family. Underpaid feels like under appreciated to me, so I wouldn't be happy. If I perform, it's going to be for fun, not out of necessity. So that was out. Other things were out based on my abilities and interests. So I'm left with applied arts! I could be a graphic artist- print or software, a fashion designer, interior designer, industrial designer, photographer, etc. I could have my own company for a lot of it, which means I could work at home. When I'm doing something hands on and creative- a 40 hour work week is a breeze. I don't count the hours when I'm doing something I love. I have to force myself to take breaks. So maybe I will be a photographer after all. There's so much I could do with it! I could write cookbooks and do the pictures for it, I could take great photos of clothing I sew and design. I could obviously do weddings- which I think are great. Etc, etc. I might start school in the fall. It depends on whether or not my professors will be ok with me possibly delivering during finals, haha. So that's exciting for me...

Anyway, I'm getting off track of the whole pregnancy thing. Here are my symptoms...heartburn, shortness of breath, frequent pee trips.

I will post a picture of the swimming baby ASAP assuming there will bra good one this time. If not, I'm definitely scheduling a 4D. Speaking of D, I need new bras and bathing suits. I better be pregnant a few times, because all this maternity clothing adds up!

Well that's all for now. Time to get another hour of sleep before work.

~20 weeks, 5 days~

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