Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thunderstorms, awkward technicians, and free onesies

The biggest thunderstorm of my life hit us on Friday. It was so crazy. The house was shaking violently, it was pouring, and at least a million trees were blown over. The power went out and we still can't get the Internet to work. On our way to work the next day, we had to turn around at least 3 times due to giant trees blocking the road. I had already not showered in three days prior to the storm, so not having water was concerning. (We have a well, so electricity controls that, too). Last night, Danny and I finally went over to our family friends' house to swim and shower in their pool house. It feels good to be clean! We went to sleep at 10 because it was so dark and there was nothing to do anyway. Right as we were drifting off, the fan started to turn. Hallelujah! A breeze amidst the 100 degree weather. So the power, including A/C and water came back on to save the day.'m 18 weeks and I have my next OB appointment at 20. She told me to make an ultrasound appointment before that so they could do the anatomy check and everything and send it to the doctor before my next appointment. I got the feeling that it took longer than it actually does, for the doctor to get the pictures and info. So I called the medical imaging center earlier last week and was ready to make an appointment for a week before my doctor's appointment. They took me off guard saying they could take me pretty much right away, so I made an appointment for Friday, because that is when I was off of work. I was super excited to find out the sex of the baby! excitement was dampened, because that didn't really happen. We got called into the sonogram room and I was told to lie down on the table thing. She squirted enormous of warming ky Jelly on my stomach and went straight to work. I couldn't see the screen, she wasn't narrating, and I was super uncomfortable. At least an hour went by of back aches and frustration about not knowing anything that was going on. I was so jealous of Danny, because he got to see everything. I wouldn't have been so jealous if I had known how disappointing the images were. Still, he got to see the baby kicking and moving around. I finally got to see a couple boring still images when she told me to lay on my side in order to try to get the baby to change positions. What we saw is not what I expected to see from other peoples' sonograms and what you see on the internet. She never did a full shot of the baby, never a profile, never anything interesting. All we got was a kidney here, the head circumference there...She mumbled the whole time and was just quite an awkward human being. I fell asleep at one point! Ugh, what a disappointing experience.

As if it didnt suck enough already, she couldn't really see well enough to determine the gender. The baby's legs kept crossing when she was trying to look. She viewed the area from behind and the bottom, because it was head down. She said "hmm, those lines right there look like they could be labia". I said, "ok..." (I wasn't convinced.) "GIRL PARTS." yeah thanks, i know what labia are. I asked how sure she was and she wavered. She said she would put money on it. That doesnt mean much to me, lady! How much money? So i'm not exactly ready to start picking out nursery items and registering for sparkly shoes just yet. :(

So then at the end, when she finally was done scanning me for body parts, she said "oh yeah, sorry, normally you would get so many images, but our printer is broken." "um...what?" "yeah, a lot of people like to have stuff for their scrapbook." "uh. Yeah!" "yeah, sometimes we could do a disc of the images" she said as she was basically chasing us out of the door. " we get one?". I felt like I was at an amusement park where they are trying to sell you the picture from the roller coaster you just went on. Well, I wants to buy it! "oh yeah, sure, I'll go make one". Great! Cool! Why didn't you say so in the first place? Well it wasn't really worth it anyway. I mean, it was free, of course. Silly me. But it didn't open on my Mac, so I took it downstairs to my parents' pc. And yeah, the pictures are super disappointing. And I still don't know whether it's a boy or girl!! Ah!

So, I guess I'll just have to keep waiting. Normally, if you're a low risk pregnancy, you don't get many sonograms. I might pay for the 4d ridiculous one now, which I said I wouldn't do, but not I'm desperate. I want to see it's face! And I want to know boy or girl. I just want to knoooow! Hopefully, my doctor will help me figure this all out in 2 weeks at my next appointment. Mrah.

Some good news, small as it may be, is that I got a few free glass bottles and 4 free super cute onesies from shrunk items at work. :) there's a silver lining about inventory!

Blah, blah.

~18 weeks, 3 days~

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