Tuesday, October 16, 2012

coming down to the wire

i went to the midwife today.  it was a much better experience than last time, due to a different midwife.  i also brought Danny along with me for support, since i was so uncomfortable last time.  i really like Shaina and Jennifer.  i felt very comfortable today and it was helpful to have danny there and ask the questions he had, and help me remember what i wanted to ask.  i just like to have him around, ya know?

i have crazy track mark bruises from the blood test yesterday.  i look like a junkie.

i am 167.5 pounds, my belly is 32 cm, my blood pressure was 118/50 and the baby's head is almost where it's supposed to be.  her head is at the bottom, but she's facing my belly button rather than my spine.  she still has time to turn over, but at least she's upside down already.  in 2 weeks and 2 days, she'll be 36 weeks, and hopefully she'll move by then.  i have an appointment in 2 weeks (35 weeks and 5 days), and i'll have my last ultrasound and a strep b test :(.  i'm ready to be done with all these tests.

she moves around SO much!  i shall call her wiggle worm.

it's so weird how pregnant i am, haha.  that's a weird thing to say, but it seems like not that long ago that we found out i was pregnant- which didn't seem super real.  now i'm just 6 weeks away to having a baby.  it's amazing how much can change during a pregnancy.  the hormones are partially responsible for changing your attitude, probably.  i'm really excited now, but at the beginning, i was kind of mad and definitely scared and disappointed that i got pregnant so young and only 5 months into being finally married.  now, i can't wait!  parts of this are still really scary.  being a mom is going to be a big change, but i feel like it couldn't be any other way now.  yay!  come out!

danny and i are both really curious as to what she will look like.  genetics are absolutely not an exact science with an equation to follow.  we'll have to see!  ideally she'll have parts of both of us, so she can be prettier than both.  :)  i really hope she has a lot of danny in her.  the bushy eyebrows can be left off of her, since she's a girl, haha.  i have a hunch that she's going to be really pretty.  but that could just be cuz i'm her mom.  i picture her having really sparkly eyes...like a ruby??  (not red like a ruby, cuz then she'd be an albino.)  ooooh i can't wait to see her chubby face.

i got so much done yesterday.  i obviously finally did my glucose test, and i also finally officially changed my name!  i finally registered to vote (i don't know what took me 6 years, it took 5 minutes to do.)  i mailed my thank you cards from my shower, i returned some baby clothes that i had bought and shouldn't have, and we bought the paint for the nursery!  :)  i also got a lot of reading done in the baby book while i waited for 2 hours at LabCorp and 20-30 minutes in the Social Security office.   it feels good to check things off a list.

i think i'm going to make some banana bread. :)

kick kick kick kick kick kick

~33 weeks, 5 days~

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